Pennsylvania Freeman, December 4, 1851
Come to the Fair.
Abolitionists of Eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware ! The present crises of the Anti-Slavery enterprise requires that you shall be well and strongly represented at our approaching Fair, which is to be opened at the Sansom Street Hall, in this city, on the 16th instant. It is in no ordinary circumstances that this demonstration is to be made. This year our Fair is to be held almost within the shadow of the Hall of Independence, where, even now, an American citizen is on trial for his life, on a charge of High Treason, because he dared to refuse to assist in the execution of the infamous statue of Congress, commonly called the Fugitive Slave law; where, too, every abolitionist has recently been denounced, by high judicial authority, as a traitor. The reign of mobs having passed away, legislative enactments, with their severe penalties, are now used as agents to silence the advocates of Freedom, and to crush the Anti-Slavery enterprise. Shall they effect what the fury of mobs, and the anathemas of the Church have signally failed to accomplish ? Now is the time, at our Annual Winter Convocation, which is at hand, to give another demonstration that we are not to be mobbed down, laughed down, or legislated down. Let us gather in our strength, and make this an occasion of pecuniary profit to our cause, of spiritual refreshment to ourselves, and a demonstration to our opponents that they spend their strength against us in vain.
“Now, when the padlocks for, our lips are forging, SILENCE IS CRIME!”
M. G.
Pennsylvania Freeman, December 18, 1850
The Fourteenth Annual Anti-Slavery Fair of Pennsylvania will be opened in the Sansom Street Hall, Sansom street, between Sixth and Seventh streets, on Tuesday evening next, at six o’clock. A beautiful variety of useful articles will be displayed, and a fine opportunity furnished to the public for the purchase of holiday presents, and many substantial articles of daily use. To enumerate event he varieties would occupy more room than can this week, be spared to this topic, in the crowded columns of The Freeman. Among them will be found tasteful needle work, in silk and worsted, children’s clothing, ladies’ scarfs, hoods, sacks, bags, aprons, embroidered shoes, %c. Our book table will, this year, present unusual attractions, and our toy table, always so attractive to crowds of little visitors, will be amply supplied.
Unusual energy has been manifested this season, in preparation for this bazaar, by the Committee and their coadjutors at home ; and by the co-operation of friends abroad, a large contribution of foreign articles will grace our tables. A choice collection of Chinese articles has been imported from Canton, expressly for the Fair, by a friend of the cause.
The price of a single visit to the fair, is 12 ½ cents. Season tickets, 25 cents. The fair will be open until Friday Evening at 10 o’ clock. Come, see, and buy !
On behalf of the Committee.
M. G.